Things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. Psalm 78:3-4 (ESV)
Our Story
Prior to BMDMI’s establishment, the Herringtons, Founders of BMDMI, served in Honduras for six years working in evangelism and church development. The Lord richly blessed their early ministry efforts evidenced by the three churches planted during that time. However, the Herringtons were constantly heart-broken as they saw people suffering from the lack of basic medical and dental care. On one occasion, they discovered a woman passing through the last stages of cancer without even an aspirin to ease the pain. Countless other times, they met people with teeth rotted to the gum line. Instances such as these led them to ask the Lord what more they could do to help ease the pain and suffering that surrounded them. The Lord gave them a vision of what today we know as “short-term mission teams” – Christian volunteers traveling to the mission field and paying their own expenses to serve the poor and sick. These teams draw thousands of people to hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and offer medical and dental services free of charge.

BMDMI Established
Baptist Medical & Dental Mission International was founded in 1974 by Missionaries Charlie and Carolyn Herrington in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. The first team in 1974 consisted of seven volunteers; and every year since then, the number of teams and volunteers has grown.
BMDMI Mourned a Loss
Charlie Herrington went home to be with the Lord. The Hondurans mourned the loss of a spiritual father and BMDMI mourned the loss of a dedicated, dynamic leader. However, BMDMI belongs to no person, but rather to the Lord, so the work continues.

BMDMI Expanded to Nicaragua
BMDMI expanded its ministry beyond the borders of Honduras to the neighboring country of Nicaragua offering medical-dental care, planting local churches, and preparing Christian leaders.
BMDMI Accepted Their First Full-Time Missionaries
Responding to growing needs in these two countries, BMDMI founded and operates Christian schools, permanent medical-dental clinics, vocational training centers, and children's homes. To oversee the work of these ministries, BMDMI took on the role of a missionary sending agency, accepting its first full-time missionaries.

BMDMI Expands into Nepal
BMDMI extended its mission outside of Central America and into Nepal – the world’s only Hindu nation.
BMDMI Begins Serving Guatemala
BMDMI began serving in Guatemala. As the Lord provides and makes clear, and as servants are sent into the fields, BMDMI will continue to expand with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ!